Green Building trends to watch for in 2018

Bellingham heating and ventilationTrends to look for in green building in 2018 include health, building resilience and modular and prefab construction. This, coupled with updates to green building standards, codes and rating systems will likely make 2018 a noteworthy year for green building.

I compiled the list below from a handful of our favorite, trusted green building sites.


  • Healthy buildings are no longer the next big thing, they are now common and will continue to be. The triple bottom line model (People, Planet, Profit) always recognized the value of human benefits, data is now demonstrating the value.
  • Material transparency will become more practical. The Declare Transparency Label, Living Product Certification, and Cradle 2 Cradle Certification make transparency easier to certify products and to find certified products.


  • Call it resilience or Climate Action Planning. There is no denying the fact that climate change is having an impact on built environments and we must build structures that can withstand these weather related events. Resilient homes are the foundation of a disaster-ready society.

Modular and prefabricated construction

  • Modular and prefab construction isn’t new in 2018, but from the looks of it the trend will continue in 2018.  These methods could reduce construction waste and decrease in the field construction time. Chuckanut Builders is currently building a Stillwater Dwelling home and the process is opening our eyes to new techniques and possibilities.

Construction standards and codes

  • Stuart Kaplow at Green Building Law Update notes that a perfect storm of new standards and codes will make 2018 “a watershed year” for construction standards and codes updates.

If these trends hold true 2018 will be a fascinating and educational year in green building. Hopefully as an industry we can utilize the skills, materials and momentum of years past and really move the needle on green building in 2018.