A few changes around ChuB
We celebrated our 5th year in business this August and that 5 year mark offered opportunity for change and growth. Namely, we expanded our building performance division decided to bring interior design in house.…
We celebrated our 5th year in business this August and that 5 year mark offered opportunity for change and growth. Namely, we expanded our building performance division decided to bring interior design in house.…
One of our favorite aspects of working with the Community Energy Challenge is the diversity of the projects they send our way. We often complete 'standard' weatherization projects. These usually…
We are busy gearing up for the Imagine! This Home and Landscape Tour and I can't wait! There are 10 stops on the tour this year and they all look…
If you asked anyone at Chuckanut Builders what their favorite countertop material is they'd likely tell you Paperstone. It's becoming our signature countertop. It's made locally from recycled materials. We can use…
This winter about half of the crew went to the Journal of Light Construction conference in Portland. Everyone's heads were spinning with ideas when they got home, with everything from…
My mom lives in Northern Idaho and recently bought property that she is hoping to build on. She immediately called Ian and I and asked for help finding a builder.…
We started working on the Whatcom Center for Early Learning this week. We'll be doing some major building performance updates and remodeling the office space, it's such a cool old…
In 2015 the Community Energy Challenge (CEC) is considering proposing a Remodel + CEC pilot project. The pilot will be in partnership with the WSU Energy Program and the Building Performance Center…
Last week we attended the Re-Sources for Sustainable Communities Environmental Heroes Banquet. The event was both a fundraiser for Re-Sources and an opportunity to pay tribute to individuals in our community…
Governor Jay Inslee toured the Building Performance Center this week as part of his statewide climate tour and Ian attended! The Governor toured the Building Performance Center because it is a…