Custom Metal & Woodworking Shop
For years we’ve toyed with the idea of building out a custom metal and woodworking shop. Every project has opportunities for unique design elements that are hand built and we were itching to take them on. We just needed the right person to make it happen. This fall the perfect opportunity presented itself. Matt Vaughn, recently the manager of the Revision Division at the Restore, got in touch; sadly the Revision Division was closing up shop. We met with Matt, had a few strategy sessions, and jointly decided that he was the perfect person to spearhead our long dreamed of custom shop.
Matt’s formal education in industrial design started at the University of Washington, where he completed an MFA in Industrial Design and Painting. He followed that with a stint as an industrial designer with David Ryan Design. He made his way to building salvage work, eventually landing at the ReStore where he worked as the Lead Designer of the Revision Division for eight years! We’re excited to have Matt starting up the Chuckanut Builders custom shop.
The Chuckanut Builders custom shop will focus on bespoke, enduring designs utilizing new and found materials, and fine craftsmanship. We will take on standalone commission pieces as well as custom elements for our residential and commercial projects. Matt will collaborate with clients, designers, architects, landscape architects and other local artisans to create original pieces. These pieces will range from gates to custom cabinets, railings to range hood vents, bookcases to dining room tables.
If you have questions or ideas about a project, reach out. The best way to get in touch is via our contact us page. Let’s build something together!